Broken & Beautiful

$11.00 - $153.00

Broken & Beautiful
The piece that I so very blindly created. I sat down and had no plan. I knew exactly what I was feeling though ..
When I finished this I felt the spirit so strongly and the spirit also told me to share but ever so quickly a feeling to not share. I decided to just share it.. idk if I felt too vulnerable and personal sharing? I’m not quite sure.. but I sure learned quickly that so many would relate and even take this to places I personally didn’t intend for it to go. Woman who have lost husbands.. to things like cancer.. and even murder, to miscarriage, and then every day heartbreak, endless stories could I tell you.
I’ve created many versions of this girl.. today I was asked if I had a blonde version. It was so tender to find.. to reflect on my short little art journey so far.. look how beautiful that blonde girl is. In all her pain. These lyrics just fit to perfect with this I couldn’t even believe when I came across it.
When the light shines through me
All the broken pieces
Reflect His light
It's a beautiful sight
All the scars and spaces
Where the battles hurt me
Let more light in
Flood me with Him
You may see
Flaws in me
I'm not perfect
But I was never meant to be
Keep your view
of your perfect world
I was never meant to be that girl...
And I am beautiful
He'll use each piece
To make a masterpiece
From the ashes
He's creating me
I'm broken
Broken and beautiful
Every shade and color
All fit together
Each break designed
With me in mind
Every brilliant facet
Tells a different story
In every broken dream
His love is seen
Keep your view
of your perfect world
I was never meant to be that girl...
And I am beautiful
He'll use each piece
To make a masterpiece
From the ashes
He's creating me
I'm broken
Broken and beautiful
I'll give Him what's left of my shattered heart
He'll piece it together brand new
And each empty space that was damaged and dark
Will light up with His love and truth
Yes, that's what His healing can do...
Broken and I am beautiful
He'll use each piece
To make a masterpiece
From the ashes
He's creating me
I'm broken
Broken and beautiful
Song By by @caleereed